#PGMinseason | Weekly Round-Up One

TEXT by Katherine Oakes | PHOTOGRAPHS by Weekly Round-Up One of the #PGMinseason hashtag project!

Week One of the Pure Green hashtag project, #PGMinseason has officially come to a close and what a first week it has been! The impressive quality of content that has been submitted so far has bowled PGM over to say the least and we are so very grateful to witness the level of talent and creativity this community has to offer. In honor of all these outstanding submissions recieved we will be posting a Weekly Round-Up until the project ends on September 15th and we will be forced to choose winners! (We're caving—we know). 

We are excited to see the rest of your submissions, so please, keep contributing and know that we love them! Be sure to visit our community leader's pages, Dolly and Oatmeal, The First Mess, and Vidya Cleanse to keep up with their fabulous interpretations of #PGMinseason and stay tuned for more articles and recipes by these fabulous ladies right here on the blog!

Now without any further delay, here are a few of our picks for Week One of #PGMinseason!



