Meow Meow Tweet

TEXT by Celine MacKay | PHOTOGRAPHS by Celine MacKay


A FEW WEEKS AGO WE RECEIVED A DELIGHTFUL LITTLE PACKAGE FROM THE CREW AT MEOW MEOW TWEET, a boutique skin care line produced by hand in Brooklyn, NY, using organic and natural ingredients. I've had a chance to give it a try, and I'm happy to share the products are wonderful. For years now I have been extremely aware of what's in beauty and skin care products. I read the label carefully and choose wisely, and the difference is incredible, both for my skin and long-term health. The trouble with many more widely available products is that they contain synthetic materials that wreak havoc on our bodies, usually mimicking our own natural hormones, and resulting in more problems than you can imagine. Compounding this effect, in most cases, our bodies don't have the mechanism to rid ourselves of these chemicals, and they build up, or 'bio-accumulate', until they reach toxic levels in our systems. They can also find their way into our waterways—in some cases of extreme pollution there have even been cases of spontaneous gender changes of mature aquatic animals (male to female). It's very, very, scary.

For all of those reasons, I was really happy to see that Meow Meow Tweet's products contain beautiful ingredients, the list short and sweet, containing only ingredients I recognize. My two favourites thus far are the Face Oil and the Deodorant Cream. If you've tried natural deodorants, you know that the efficacy scale is broad. I've tried some that actually seem to make you smell worse, not better. The deodorant cream, which smells pleasantly of lavender, was a super awesome surprise. It lasts throughout the day with ease, and I am hooked! Their sample products were cute enough, but be sure to check out their website to fully experience their awesome packaging—those labels are pretty darn cute!

NOTE—reviews on the PGM blog are not paid. All opinions shared here are our own. Thank you to Meow Meow Tweet for providing these products for us to review! If you are interested in having us review your product, please send your submission to, with Product Review Inquiry in the subject line.


